Playhouse Visit 2011
Class 6
Tuesday the 24th of May the Playhouse Theatre Group came to Carrington.
There were two actors in the play, a man called Jack and a woman called Becky. They played several characters, Jack played the mum, the stranger, the cook, the teacher (Mr. Sans), the butcher and the carpenter. Becky played the main character, Sammy. She also played the holy man and shared the job of being mum. There was a woman called Ali who did the sound on a computer.
The play was about a little girl called Sammy, who lived on an island, beside the beach, with her mother. Her father was lost at sea when Sammy was a little girl. One day, a stranger was washed up on the beach. The people of the village went to see this stranger and they all thought he was hideous. They wanted to kill him and torture him. They locked him up in a goat pen and kept him there for days and days. He was starving and thirsty until the little girl’s mother gave her food to take to him. The villagers got angry and they ended up throwing him into sea on a raft. Sammy watched with a tear going down her cheek. That was the end of the play.
After we had our play, we went into the hall. Ali made us sit in a circle and she asked us what we remembered about the play while Becky wrote everything down.
During the workshop we had a go at visualization. We had to pretend we were the creature in the play; this helped us to get into character (this is something that professionals actors do whilst rehearsing).
First of all we got into small groups and the idea was to create a snapshot of the play. We did a freeze frame of the stranger leaving home and freeze frame of him arriving at the island. The idea of the freeze frame was to get you think about facial expression and animation.
Watching the play was the best bit. Sometimes it was funny sometimes it was a bit sad because you felt sorry for the stranger. It was a great show and told you not to judge people before getting to know them, which is something that will help when we go to secondary school and meet new people.
Year 6
Carrington Primary